Learn More About The Kizito Family
And Their Work

The mission of Kizito Family Haiti-USA is found in a true desire to give drink to those who thirst, especially children, in Cite’ Soleil and the poorest neighborhoods of Haiti.

Our Vision
”To Thirst” is the most basic of human needs. Each day, children are drawn to centers of education, given relief, and educated. Those children number in the 1000s and are offered the only sustenance they may receive that day. By creating just structures: we can accomplish more outcomes, more educational opportunities, more work and more dignity for each child who otherwise may live and die without the basics of human needs.

We Give drink to all those who Thirst!

Video: Who We Are


Why we do what we do:

Changing the lives of children is our mission.

We would like to share some of the Current Events:

  • Children are dying of cholera without clean water to drink.

  • Many children are being used to perpetuate gang violence, trafficked, and are the victims of violence everyday.

  • We have a generous partnership with Mary’s meals to make your funds go farther in feeding those who go hungry.

  • We have embarked on a fundraising tour to gain partnerships in programs and leadership.

    Can You Help?

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Your gifts drive us to success.

Donating helps enrich and improve the lives of countless children and families in Haiti. Consider donating today.